A Michelin starred chef in Istanbul Sergi Arola grew up in Catalonia region, one of the richest cuisines of Spain and so to speak, she’s a friendly chef who’s full…
zorlu center
İstanbul’da Michelin Yıldızlı Bir Şef Sergi Arola İspanya’nın en zengin mutfak kültürlerinden birine sahip olan Katalan bölgesinde yetişmiş, deyim yerindeyse ruhu kıpır kıpır bir İspanyol Şef. Barselona’da başladığı aşçılık serüveni…
Problematic Luxurious Restaurants at Shopping Malls Recently, the biggest shopping malls of Europe opening in Turkey have not been popular only with their size, but also with their quality. They…